Consideration and Release. In consideration of the below listed participant ("Participant") being permitted to participate in any of the programs or activities offered by State Line Gym, LLC ("State Line Gym") or use State Line Gym's equipment or facilities, subject only to the implied warranties and statutory rights that cannot be excluded, I, the undersigned Participant (if 18 years of age or older), or the undersigned parent/guardian of the Participant, on my own behalf (if 18 years of age or older) and on behalf of such minor Participant, and in either case on behalf of any spouse, personal representative, heir, executor, administrator, agent and assign of said Participant ("Participant Party"), release, waive and discharge State Line Gym and its affiliates, officers, directors, employees, agents, representatives, successors and assigns (each a "State Line Gym Party") from any and all claims or causes of action (known or unknown) or liabilities from injuries or death and damages to, loss of, or theft of property arising out of or connected with any or all phases of activity and participation in any State Line Gym program; use of any equipment or other property at any premises owned, operated, controlled and/or leased by any State Line Gym Party; or Participant's attendance at State Line Gym, including liability arising from the negligence or fault of any State Line Gym Party. This Waiver and Release of Liability specifically includes, without limitation, injuries which may occur as a result of (a) the Participant's use of any exercise equipment or facilities, which may malfunction or break; (b) the condition of the premises and/or the improper maintenance of any exercise equipment or facilities thereat, which may malfunction or break; (c) the negligent instruction or supervision by any State Line Gym Party; and (d) the slipping and/or falling by the Participant while on the premises of State Line Gym, including parking areas and sidewalks.
Inherent Risk of Physical Exercise. I, the undersigned Participant (if 18 years of age or older), or the undersigned parent/guardian of the below listed minor Participant, understand that physical exercise or activities including the use of the equipment, are potentially hazardous activities. This can result in injury or even death. The undersigned agrees that the Participant is voluntarily engaging in physical exercise and activity at State Line Gym facilities and does so at his or her own risk. This includes, without limitation, use of any of State Line Gym’s facilities, including any parking areas, sidewalks or any equipment in State Line Gym facility and participation in any activity at the premises of State Line Gym. Subject only to the statutory rights and implied warranties which cannot be excluded, the undersigned Participant (if 18 years of age or older), or the undersigned parent/guardian of the below listed minor Participant, assumes all risk of injury or the contraction of any illness or medical condition that might result, including death, or any damage, loss or theft of any personal property. In addition, the undersigned Participant (if 18 years of age or older), or the undersigned parent/guardian of the below listed minor Participant agrees to assume all liability and responsibility for any damages including injury or death caused directly or indirectly through the Participant's conduct, negligence or omission while on the premises of State Line Gym, including parking areas and sidewalks.
Acknowledgment Regarding Medical History. I, the undersigned Participant (if 18 years of age or older), or the undersigned parent/guardian of the below listed minor Participant, declare that the Participant is physically sound and does not have any diseases, illness, conditions or impairments that would restrict or prevent his or her participation in any phase of the programs or activities available at State Line Gym or on the premises of State Line Gym, or his or her use of the equipment or other property at State Line Gym. It has been recommended that the Participant obtains, at a minimum, annual physical examinations with his or her physician and consult with his or her physician as to participation at State Line Gym. The undersigned further acknowledges that the Participant has either received approval from his or her physician to participate at State Line Gym or is doing so without the approval of a physician and assumes all responsibilities for such participation.
THE UNDERSIGNED PARTICIPANT (if 18 years of age or older), or the undersigned parent/guardian of the below listed minor Participant, ACKNOWLEDGES THAT HE/SHE HAS CAREFULLY READ THIS WAIVER AND RELEASE AND FULLY UNDERSTANDS THAT IT IS A RELEASE OF LIABILITY, AND THAT HE/SHE IS WAIVING ANY RIGHT THAT PARTICIPANT OR SAID PARENT/GUARDIAN MAY HAVE TO BRING LEGAL ACTION TO ASSERT A CLAIM AGAINST ANY STATE LINE GYM PARTY FOR THEIR OWN NEGLIGENCE OR FAULT. The undersigned Participant (if 18 years of age or older), or the undersigned parent/guardian of the below listed minor Participant, hereby expressly agree that this Waiver and Release of Liability is intended to be as broad and inclusive as permitted by applicable law and that if any portion hereof is held invalid, it is agreed that the balance shall, notwithstanding, continue in full legal force and effect.
Parent/Guardian Acknowledgment: If the Participant is not 18 years of age, the undersigned parent and/or guardian of the below listed Participant does hereby represent that he/she is, in fact, acting in such capacity for the Participant and agrees to save and hold harmless and defend and indemnify each of the State Line Gym Parties of and against any liability, loss, cost, claim or damage whatsoever which may be imposed upon any of them as a result of any defect or lack of legal capacity of the above named Participant or the undersigned parent and/or guardian, hereby jointly and severally joins in all agreements and representations made by such Participant, and hereby releases and agrees not to himself / herself assert any of the claims released and waived hereby against any State Line Gym Party.
Minimum Age Requirements: The undersigned understands that certain activities at State Line Gym are subject to minimum age requirements. The undersigned Participant (if 18 years of age or older), or the undersigned parent/guardian of the below listed minor Participant, agree to confirm with State Line Gym's management that the Participant meets all applicable age requirements before using any apparatus or service offered at State Line Gym.
Yes, I, the Participant, have been given instructions for the proper use of the equipment and use it at my own risk. I (or my parent/guardian on my behalf) hereby release the owners, operators and manufacturers from any damages that I might incur due to the use of the equipment or these facilities. I have read and understand this warning.